The Flu Season Is As Good As Over

The Flu Season Is As Good As Over

The Flu Season Is As Good As Over

With one of the worst flu seasons ever recorded hitting the U.S. signs show that flu activity has seriously decreased in the last couple of weeks, and that the peak of the season has been passed.

Reports from all states confirm that flu cases have either dropped or are present in very low numbers.

Thih flu season started early and hit hard especially in the Southern part of the U.S. then spreading all across the east coast.

Doctor’s offices were jam packed during the early parts of the season with shortages for vaccines becoming a problem all over the country.The CDC has also reported that death numbers from pneumonia and flu have dropped country wide.

States like Georgia and New York who were flooded with patients just about a month ago have reported close to no recent flu activity.

The current hot spots have been reported to be on the West Coast and in the South Western part of the U.S.

Places like Allentown, Pa where the Leigh Valley Hospital had to put up a tent outside its premises because of the huge number of sick people has seen a 75 percent decrease in the number of patients.

The only other flu season that started this early was back in 2003-2004, a season that was also quite serious with a death toll of about 48,000 people.

Posted by on Sunday February 10 2013, 4:06 AM EDT. Ref: NorthJersey. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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