The Kardashians’ Brand is No Longer Selling

The Kardashians' Brand is No Longer Selling

The Kardashians' Brand is No Longer Selling

Good news for all the haters. It looks like the Kardashians' fame may finally be ending. With promoters saying the brand is "tarnishing" and The New York Post reporting that anything featuring the family is turning "absolutely toxic," things are not looking good for this reality family star.

So it may be back to reality for the Kardashians, before they became divas of reality television, that is. It seems people no longer care to have an inside look at these people's lives.

There's also been a "Boycott Kardashians Petition" that has been extremely popular online.. As of November 25, 2011 the number of people was had signed this request to E! begging the network to take the show off the air was up to 165,000.

It seems that the people have spoken. The public doesn't want this family to continue polluting the airwaves simply because they are "The Kardashians." Perhaps, now that promoters and business owners are jumping on the bandwagon, this reality will come to pass. That is, this reality show will finally pass away into that realm of television marked "canceled."

In reality, most of us can't relate to wearing earrings that cost nearly a hundred grand, or planning out the details of how a fiancée should propose. Most everyday people don't publicize every detail of their private lives, and most mothers don't advocate their children as a "brand."



Posted by on Wednesday January 18 2012, 9:15 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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