The Real Question of Today: How Many Reps

The Real QThe Real Question of Today: How Many Reps

The Real Question of Today: How Many Reps

The Real Question is How Many Reps

As strength training continues to grow in popularity, we have seen a steady rise in the number of individuals taking part in weight bearing exercises. That being said, weight loss has now taken the back seat to muscle building and workouts are more commonly based on high-intensity training using weight-bearing equipment. Science is largely responsible for this growing trend as researchers discover more facts about exercise and nutrition. This has allowed certified fitness trainers and dietitians to design programs that are tailored for total body health.

Those who are new to working out and do not have the resources or time to afford a personal trainer are frequently overwhelmed with the process of getting set in a proper workout routine. The issue at hand is not whether or not to exercise, what kind of exercise to do or even how much weight to use. The big question when it comes to strength training is how many reps to do. The most important part of any strength training regime is the number of reps, combined with how many sets of those reps you do. There are several variables to consider when it comes to settling on the number of reps you should do.

Your Experience Counts

If you are new to weight bearing exercises, you will want to start with the big, major muscles in your body. These muscles are the big, most used ones found in your arms and legs that give you the strength for many daily activities. To enhance the strength and endurance of these muscles, do 10 to 12 repetitions with a weight heavy enough to cause you to sweat it on the last rep.  This will help you develop a good balance of muscle and endurance.

Your Goals Matter

There are many reasons to do weight bearing exercises. Your personal fitness goals will impact the number of reps you do. If you are looking to build your muscles and create bulk and power, fewer reps will work best. Do about 8 reps or fewer per set. This will help you build both strength and muscle. The lower the number of reps, the more strength will develop. As you raise the number of reps more muscle will develop.

If you are looking to tone up and gain endurance, you will need to do more reps per set. 10 to 12 reps is an ideal starting point for building both muscle and some endurance. If you are looking to mostly enhance your endurance, 15-20 repetitions per set will deliver the results you are looking for.

Don’t Forget Form and Safety

Not everyone who exercises with weights has the luxury of a personal trainer. If you are looking for help with form or advice about your new weight lifting regime, the answers are no further than your computer. With a reliable high speed Internet connection you can quickly find advice about repetitions, safety concerns and more from websites like YouTube, Pinterest and, as well as through web searches.

No matter what your state of physical fitness, your health or your age, all adults should engage in weight bearing exercises regularly in order to strengthen their muscles and provide protection from issues that can arise with the body when muscles are weak. With the knowledge of how many reps to do for your goals, you can get started now and put in the strength building work that is sure to deliver results.

Posted by on Monday October 07 2013, 5:58 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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