The Walking Dead’s Fourth Season Ends With A Bang

The Walking Dead’s Fourth Season Ends With A Bang

The Walking Dead’s Fourth Season Ends With A Bang

In case you have yet to see the season finales of The Walking Dead be warned that there are some spoilers ahead. The fourth season of The Walking Dead just finished airing this Sunday giving the show’s fans some much expected answers but also raising more questions in the process.

With Rick, Michon and Carl joining Maggie, Glenn and the rest of the gang at The Terminus all things should have ended with a happy reunion. Sadly for them The Terminus doesn’t seem to be the much expected salvation everyone hoped for. The episode ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger with everyone reuniting weaponless in an old container after being captured by The Terminus “locals.”

While season 4 just ended, the cast and crew are already looking towards season five. David Alpert, executive producer of the show said that season five will prove even better than its predecessors while Greg Nicotero, responsible for the amazing special effects disclosed that fans will see a change Rick, who is going to do whatever it takes to survive.

Andrew Lincoln, the actor who plays Rick Grimes described the upcoming season as “messy, brutal and thrilling” adding that while season four was all about violence, this season will be far more complicated. His co-star Lauren Cohan who plays Maggie Green also teased fans with an “explosive” first episode.

Posted by on Tuesday April 01 2014, 2:31 AM EDT. Ref: aceshowbiz. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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