Times Square Paralyzed By Paul McCartney Concert

Times Square Paralyzed By Paul McCartney Concert

Times Square Paralyzed By Paul McCartney Concert

About half a century after Beatlemania got hold of the country and the world, Sir Paul McCartney showed that he can still get the interest of the public. The “Beatle” almost paralyzed New York City with his amazing Times Square mini-concert . The 71 year old rocker played tracks from his new album entitled “New” which is due to be released this upcoming Monday.

With just about one hour before the show, McCartney tweeted that he will be playing in Times Square and that he expects as many people to come as possible. And come they did, even with the secret nature of the event, both tourists and natives didn't want to miss the chance of seeing one of the biggest names in music history perform live.

The legendary singer seemed to be comfortable on stage joking with the audience while playing them a number of tracks from his latest album. In-between songs, the former “Beatle” joked saying he will have to put a hat down as he is basically busking.

McCartney ended the show thanking the audience and jokingly proposing to “Do this the same time tomorrow”. He also mentioned before leaving the stage Andy Warhol’s prediction that said he would have just 15 minutes of fame adding that “this was it” for him.

Posted by on Sunday October 13 2013, 5:34 AM EDT. Ref: mirror. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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