Tockay Gecko Claimed to Cure HIV, Illegal trade of heats up

Tockay Gecko Claimed to Cure HIV, Illegal trade of heats up

Tockay Gecko Claimed to Cure HIV, Illegal trade of heats up

One factor behind the trade of Tokay Gecko is its unfounded claims that it has the ability to cure the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Tokay Gecko is a nocturnal lizard that grows up to 40 centimeters in length and acquires orange spots, blue-grey skin color and unmistakable vocalizations. These animals are in demand in worldwide pet trade as it is believed in Chinese medicine to cure maladies including asthma, skin disease, cancer and diabetes. Likewise in other countries Tokay wine or whisky is produced for increased strength and energy.

Recently, a couple was arrested for attempting to smuggle these animals amounting to millions of dollars from Thailand to Malaysia. Also two weeks ago, police officers in Central Java caught an attempt to smuggle tons of dried Tokay Geckos destined for   Hong Kong and China with expired permits.

Currently, Tokay Geckos are poorly protected by national legislation. Further, Tokay Geckos are not included in the protected list under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

According to a recent survey, the massive increase in the illegal trade of Tokay Geckos is very alarming. If illegal trade continues, it will take years to restore the damage made on Tokay Gecko populations.


Posted by on Wednesday November 23 2011, 9:38 AM EDT. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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