Tom Clancy Passes Away At 66

Tom Clancy Passes Away At 66

Tom Clancy Passes Away At 66

The publisher of Tom Clancy confirmed the death of the author of the blockbuster espionage series that stars Jack Ryan. Among the blockbuster books written by the former insurance salesman were “Clear and Present Danger,” “Patriot Games,” and “The Hunt for Red October.”

“Command Authority,” the latest Jack Ryan novel that had Mark Greaney as co-writer, is set to be released on December 3. The books of Clancy resulted to a number of commercially-successful movies. Among the actors that played the Jack Ryan on these movies include Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and Alec Baldwin.

The four movies that centered on the fictional character of Tom Clancy earned around $800 million around the world.

David Shanks of the Penguin Group indicated that he was saddened by the death of the author. He described the author as among the most visionary storytellers of his generation. Putnam president and publisher Ivan Held said that they were honored to have known Clancy and worked on his books. He said it was a thrill each time they published a book from the author.

The 1994 novel of Tom Clancy, “Debt of Honor,” ended with a 747 crashing into the Capitol while the president was addressing Congress. The author revealed in an interview in 2002 that he did not imagine the events on 9/11. He said that he can envision a single suicidal pilot, but not a team of suicide pilots. He added that he is an observer and not a terrorism expert.

Clancy also revealed in the interview that Pentagon made an error in disallowing reputable reporters from accompanying US forces in Afghanistan. He said that it would have been interesting to see a firefight on NBC Nightly News. “The Hunt for Red October” was described by novelist Pat Conroy as among the page turners of the generation. He said that Tom Clancy was the favorite novelist of his father.

Posted by on Saturday October 05 2013, 4:00 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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