Top 3 Best Museums To Visit In The United States

Top 3 Best Museums To Visit In The United States

Top 3 Best Museums To Visit In The United States

Whether travelling alone, with family or friends, a museum is always a fun filled destination people of all ages can attend. With a wide selection and countless exhibits it’s hard to find a museum that isn’t interesting; however, we have assembled a list with three museums everyone must check out.

Center of Science and Industry – Columbus, Ohio

This is definitely a kid’s oriented space with tons of exhibits and events waiting for them at every step. With Live Science Shows, overnight camping availability as well as the possibility to host birthday parties, the Columbus Science and Industry Center is the perfect family destination.

Metropolitan Museum of Art – New York, New York

With one of the most amazing art collections in the world, the Met is also family oriented, with puppet shows and guided tours for children. The museum also encourages new artists as well with countless new exhibitions each year. Also visitors will get access to a huge amount of exhibits all housed in a beautiful Beaux-Arts building making the Met a must see.

Please Touch Museum – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This museum’s theme is rather self-explanatory with visitors being encouraged to interact with the exhibits. Amazing flying machines, musical instruments and fantasy book based exhibits also await with puppet shows and a carousel ready for children of all ages.

Posted by on Sunday February 16 2014, 3:10 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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