Top 3 Best National Park Drives

Top 3 Best National Park Drives

Top 3 Best National Park Drives

Tourists don’t always need to take a long hike to get those amazing views of canyons, rivers and impressive wildlife. Some of the biggest national parks offer a large number of options for travelers that want to experience nature behind the steering wheel. So before buying that new pair of boots why not check out the following list of amazing drives first:

Kolob Terrace Road - Utah

With a road that goes over the top of the canyon and not through it as most similar roads do, the Kolob Terrace Road really offers a new perspective. The rock band and tree line really look imposing when you drive past them at such a high altitude.

Petrified Forest National Park – Arizona

The main road of the park goes by an unforgettable stretch of petrified wood. It also offers a panoramic view of the surrounding desert. Tourists can stop anywhere to explore the embedded fossils or the colorful petrified wood.

Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park – Colorado

The Ridge Road in the Rocky's is the highest road in the US with a top altitude of 12,000 feet. The drive is quite dangerous as there is no guard rail with a drop of several hundred feet. At the top, awaits a large tundra where travelers can see elk or bighorn sheep.

Posted by on Sunday March 23 2014, 4:25 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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