Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Runs For Re-Election

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Runs For Re-Election

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Runs For Re-Election

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford shocked even his most loyal followers and kept his promise of running for re-election as he filed his candidacy papers this Thursday at the Toronto City Hall. Ford told reporters that had gathered at the City Hall election office that his main asset is his track record, one that speaks for itself.

Ford was probably referring to his successful fiscal conservatism and not to the series of less than respectable actions that made him the pariah of Canadian politics.

Among his regrettable actions we will find: admitting he smoked cracked while in a drunken rant, knocking over a councilwoman in a City Hall meeting that eventually stripped him of his powers, urinating in public, buying illegal drugs, driving while intoxicated and using appalling language on live TV while denying sexual harassment accusations.

The Toronto City Council managed to reduce the mayor’s influence by transferring a significant part of his budget and powers to Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly. However ridiculous the list of accusations against him, Ford was determined not to resign and now wishes to run for a second term.

His decision might not be as outlandish as it would appear at first sight, if we take into consideration his 42 percent approval rating, statistic taken during the height of the scandal.

Posted by on Friday January 03 2014, 6:42 AM EDT. Ref: nbc. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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