Turnover Of The Chemical Weapons Of Syria Welcomed By China

Turnover Of The Chemical Weapons Of Syria Welcomed By China

Turnover Of The Chemical Weapons Of Syria Welcomed By China

The proposal of Russia to destroy the chemical weapons of Syria was welcomed by China recently. This move may forestall military strikes planned by the US.

Washington indicated that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria used poison gas in its August 21 attack. The attack resulted to the death of over 1,400 people. This should not go unpunished according to US President Barack Obama. US Secretary of State John Kerry indicated earlier that the military strike may be avoided if the chemical weapons of Syria are handed over.

The spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hong Lei, indicated that they support the proposal of Russia. Hong indicated that the international community should take the proposal into consideration if it will enhance stability and peace in Syria and will contribute to a political resolution of the conflict.

Chinese officials are set to meet a delegation from the Syrian opposition, which was invited by an academic group. China is aiming to show that it is not supporting either side and encourages a political solution to the conflict.

Although Damascus welcomed the proposal of Russia, it did not give any indications that it will comply with it. However, Syrian rebels indicated that the transfer of the chemical weapons of Syria will be impossible to monitor and may be aimed at foiling any military strike by the US.

Even though the US State Department indicated that the statements of Kerry were rhetorical, Washington may look a proposal that was serious. James Miller, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy of the US, indicated that a convincing response to the chemical weapons attack may discourage North Korea from using its own chemical weapons arsenal.

Washington was urged by Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of China, to be extremely cautious in the Syrian conflict. President Xi Jinping of China also advised Obama that the Syrian problem cannot be solve with a military strike despite allegations of the use of the chemical weapons of Syria.

Posted by on Wednesday September 11 2013, 2:39 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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