Twitter Brings Changes To Facilitate Tweeting By Its Users
While the 140-character limit on Twitter will remain, a number of changes will be made to give users some flexibility in the way they tweet. In addition, the social media network will remove some tricks that can bar the entry of new users. Media attached to the tweet will not be counted against the character limit on each tweet. These media include images and videos, among others.
However, Twitter did not give any indications on whether website links will be considered as media, which means it will still continue to consume 23 characters. The user names on Twitter will not be included in the limit when users reply to tweets, which allow users to reply to multiple users in conversations.
Whenever users use the Twitter name of a user in a new message, the tweet will be shown to all followers. In the past these messages only showed to the people who follow the recipient and sender. When users want to show the message to their followers, they would have to use a punctuation mark before the name of the user to be able to work around the system.

Twitter Brings Changes To Facilitate Tweeting By Its Users - image credit:
Twitter will also allow users to retweet their own tweets, which allow users to share a response they made to specific people. These changes will allow users to quote their own tweets to enhance what they originally wanted to say. However, these changes will be made available in “the coming months” since it wants to provide developers to make the necessary preparations for the modifications. The company is also preparing for other changes on the social media network.
The 140-character limit was created since the service originally relied on SMS messages when it started. After some time, this limit proved to be its best feature. But, the addition of links and support for different types of media made the character limit restrictive for users. The change essentially makes life easier for Twitter users.
While Twitter did not find it easy to attract new users, it is hoping the changes and the addition of new features will ensure the social media network will become more appealing to new users.