Two British Women Suffer Acid Attack In Zanzibar

Two British Women Suffer Acid Attack In Zanzibar

Two British Women Suffer Acid Attack In Zanzibar

Two young British women who were vacationing in the east African island of Zanzibar have had their holiday destroyed after they were the victims of an acid attack.

This marks the first attack on a tourist in the history of Zanzibar an island that largely lives of the income made from tourism, with the majority of tourists coming from Western Europe, the United States and some from Asia.

The attackers appear to be two men who were driving on a moped. The victims, two 18 year old women were walking through the streets of the historical central of Zanzibar, the capital of the almost autonomous region of the Tanzanian archipelago.

The attack took place Wednesday night and caused serious injuries to the women’s chest face and hands.

Mkadam Khamis, the deputy police commissioner said in a press release this Thursday that he has launched a manhunt and that he hopes for public assistance in the matter.

While the reason behind the attack is not yet known, it comes just days after the end of the Muslim month of fasting called the Ramadan, a month of spiritual cleansing before the celebration of the Eid Holiday.

The attack on the two British women is taken very seriously by Zanzibar officials as it may threaten the tourism on the island, the main source of income for the country’s fragile economy.

Posted by on Saturday August 10 2013, 4:35 AM EDT. Ref: theage. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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