U.S. Online Spying Scandal Causes More Countries To Protest

U.S. Online Spying Scandal Causes More Countries To Protest

U.S. Online Spying Scandal Causes More Countries To Protest

The Edward Snowden scandal still has rippling effects on U.S. foreign policy and the problems are far from being over. With Germany being the latest country to very vocally protest the way U.S. surveillance tactics have broken some trust issues, Brazil, France and Mexico are also expressing their dissatisfaction with the issue.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was a victim of the spying issue as her phone was supposedly bugged, leading to a call to U.S. President Barack Obama. John Emerson, the U.S. ambassador in Berlin was also called to explain the unpleasant event.

After the high level phone-call between the two heads of state the White House issued a statement where it denies ever monitoring the way German Chancellor Angela Merkel communicates.

Governments across the world have responded with less than positive declarations to the Snowden fueled leaks about the way the United States gathers information. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff apparently cancelled a state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama because of the NSA spying issue.

German defense minister Thomas de Maiziere said in an interview that if the spying allegations are confirmed the relation between the two countries can’t return to “business as usual”. The only question left is what country is next to vocally protest the U.S. information gathering tactics.

Posted by on Saturday October 26 2013, 4:14 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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