UN: Newest bird flu strain Non-Hazardous to Humans

UN: Newest bird flu strain Non-Hazardous to Humans

UN: Newest bird flu strain Non-Hazardous to Humans

The United Nations announced Monday that the newest mutant strain of bird flu, H5N1 virus, first detected in Vietnam has been scientifically confirmed not dangerous to human beings and won’t pose potential risk to human health. It is in response to last week’s concern expressed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations regarding the reported incidents of the newest bird flu strain in Vietnam and China. The newest strain may possibly revive the major resurgence of the deadly bird flu virus that became a pandemic in 2009, FAO added.

Vietnam has recorded the second highest number of human bird flu deaths after fellow Southeast Asian nation of Indonesia. Vietnam’s bird flu human deaths since 2003 have reached 59 and considered to be very high, according to the data given by the World Health Organization (WHO).

It was in April 2010 when the last human cases of H5N1 were reported in Vietnam but all were not linked to the newest bird flu strain.  So far, there has been no scientific evidence to support that the newest bird flu virus will have any increased health risk to human beings. According to the animal health department in Vietnam, four provinces in the country are currently under strict monitoring after reported incidents of bird flu in some poultry farms has increased significantly.


Posted by on Tuesday September 06 2011, 2:03 AM EST. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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