UN Report Point To Use Of Chemical Weapons In Syria

UN Report Point To Use Of Chemical Weapons In Syria

UN Report Point To Use Of Chemical Weapons In Syria

Inspectors from the United Nations found evidence of the use of chemical weapons in Syria during an attack last month. The attack resulted to the deaths of hundreds of people.

The medical, chemical and environmental samples indicate that rockets with sarin were used on August 21 in the Ghouta area in Damascus, according to a report by the UN inspectors.

The report also mentioned that survivors experienced nausea, blurred vision, and vomiting following a military attack. However, the inspectors did not indicate who unleashed the chemical weapons.

However, the US indicated that the report from the UN shows that the government of President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria that killed over 1,400 people. A spokesman from the White House indicated that the Syrian army possesses the rockets used in the attack. The UN envoy of Britain also indicated that the report takes out all doubt about the use of such weapons in the August 21 attack.

The use of chemical weapons in Syria was called a war crime by UN head Ban Ki-moon. He supported sanctions to support plans of destroying the weapons.

The United States, Britain, and France agreed on the need for a UN resolution that establishes specific and compulsory deadlines for the Syrian government to hand over the chemical weapons. Although the task will be complicated, it was necessary to continue the pressure on the government of Assad, according to the British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Hague indicated that the Assad regime should be pressured to comply with the agreement. If the world cannot hold them accountable, the three countries are ready to do it.

The discussion among the three countries followed an announcement of a plan that will detail the chemical weapons stockpile of Syria. The government of Syria pledged to comply with the plan.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry indicated that full compliance by Syria is necessary. He added that it was also necessary to find a permanent political solution to the conflict aside from removing the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Posted by on Thursday September 19 2013, 3:22 AM EDT. Ref: VOA News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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