“Underwear Bomber” Sentenced to Life

"Alcatraz of the Rockies."

"Alcatraz of the Rockies."

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, more widely known as “the underwear bomber” will get the last chance to rant against the United States government when given the sentence of life imprisonment today for trying to blow up a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day in 2009.

Prison officials anticipate that Abdulmutallab will be sent to the Supermax federal prison in Florence, Colorado, to serve his sentence. The prison facility is known to be the most secured in the United States and houses a number of infamous al-Qaida operatives.

Abdulmutallab is expected to face strict restrictive prison laws if he reaches the Supermax prison, which is known as the "Alcatraz of the Rockies."

"The isolation: That'll probably be his biggest problem," said Joe Gunja, a former warden at the prison. "He won't get mistreated but it's very, let me say, isolated – for good reason."

Abdulmutallab was a privileged student from a wealthy Nigerian family, but who became brain-washed by watching indoctrinating videos from the Internet produced by the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.  He eventually quit graduate school in Dubai, traveled to Yemen and joined the infamous al-Qaida group.

Last Tuesday, Abdulmutallab’s parents arrived in Detroit and requested to visit their son at a prison facility in Milan.  He refused to see them but they will attend the sentencing to see their son, probably for the last time.

The failed bombing attack exposed airport security lapses as Abdulmutallab allegedly managed to board several airplanes while carrying a unique bomb made of explosives and chemicals, which was sewn into his underwear.

The young terrorist, dubbed as the “underwear bomber”, pleaded guilty on the second day of his trial in the federal court.

Posted by on Friday February 17 2012, 7:40 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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