US-Pakistan Relationship Further Deteriorating

US-Pakistan Relationship Further Deteriorating

US-Pakistan Relationship Further Deteriorating

Pakistan may need to do a lot of explaining after Carlotta Gall of the New York Times have exposed the truth behind the May 14, 2007 Teri Mangal ambush in northwest Pakistan. Gall reconstructed the incident detailed by saying Pakistani government intelligence officers and troops have fired over the group of military officers from the United States and some Afghan officials killing Major Larry J. Bauguess Jr., an American officer, while wounding 4 others. The surprise attack happened after a meeting between some Afghan, Pakistani and American officials just inside Pakistan territory discussing border dispute.

Gall said 12 men: American and Afghan officials arrived in Teri Mangal via helicopters to discuss issues about border dispute. The meeting reached 5 hours before it was concluded that day. A Pakistani soldier fired at the American and Afghan officials as they were climbing into vehicles that will take them to a short distance travel to the helicopter landing area.

Major Larry J. Bauguess Jr. died instantly. Bauguess, 32 years old, married, was a father of 2 young daughters and from the 82nd Airborne Division. 3 other officers from the U.S. Military were wounded as well as an Afghan translator that accompanied them. The May 14, 2007 incident was kept secretly by Washington and even ignoring other signs and signals that Pakistan may one day become an enemy by pursuing its own national interests. The revelation came after Washington has accused Pakistan of collaborating with terrorists to attack American facilities in Kabul such as the U.S. Embassy and NATO Headquarters.

Posted by on Wednesday September 28 2011, 5:03 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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