US Surveillance Activities Prompt Calls For Special Session

US Surveillance Activities Prompt Calls For Special Session

US Surveillance Activities Prompt Calls For Special Session

A special session will be held by the parliament of Germany to discuss reports on the alleged US surveillance activities on the phone of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Left-wing parties also insisted on a public inquiry that will call in witnesses that include Edward Snowden.

The conservative party of Chancellor Merkel indicated that it will not hinder investigations on the alleged espionage by any parliamentary committee. The party is currently working on the formation of a new coalition with the Social Democrats.

Reports of the alleged US surveillance activities on the phone of Chancellor Merkel resulted to outrage throughout the country. It also brought back memories of spying activities by the Stasi in the former East Germany.

The issue on US surveillance activities initially emerged following reports that European Union offices were wired by the US. Reports also indicated that around five hundred billion emails, phone calls and text messages were monitored by the US each month in Germany.

Social Democrats general secretary Andrea Nahles indicated that the actions should not be tolerated since they have the capability of destroying the friendship between Germany and the United States. Nahles added that a committee from the Bundestag is unavoidable and Edward Snowden can be asked to stand as a witness.

Reports from a Germany-based newspaper also indicated that President Barack Obama was aware of the eavesdropping activities on Chancellor Merkel since 2010, which belied reports that informed the German leader of having no knowledge about the eavesdropping activities.

The Christian Democratic Union of Chancellor Merkel and the SPD came into an agreement to have a special parliamentary session on November 18 to deal with the alleged eavesdropping activities of the US. Other parties were also eager in setting up investigative committees in the parliament.

Witnesses can be called to provide additional information on the allegations of US surveillance activities in Germany.

Posted by on Wednesday October 30 2013, 4:23 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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