Valentine’s Day on Malaysia: where is the love?
Valentine's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world today with lovers, friends and family members exchanging cards, flowers and gifts in a celebratory mood.
But unlike other countries, Malaysia is not as keen on celebrating Valentine's Day because the event is considered "not suitable" for Muslims, which comprise more than half of its total population of 27 million.
Government officials organized a public campaign called "Mind the Valentine's Day Trap" to urge Muslims not to celebrate the event because they said it only encourages people to engage in activities against Islam which is the state's official religion.
"In reality, as well as historically, the celebration of Valentine's Day is synonymous with vice activities," said Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz, chief of the Department of Islamic Development. "Islam would reject anything, even from the Eastern culture, if it contravenes the Islamic teachings."
Malaysian officials are planning to monitor hotels nationwide to prevent young partners from engaging in premarital sex, part of a larger campaign to curb "immoral acts" associated with this time of year.
The campaign against the popular holiday is based on a fatwa, a religious law or opinion, that was issued in 2005.
Authorities said Islam accepts some Western holidays such as Father's Day and Mother's Day. Some Muslims are saying that Valentine's Day is equally harmless.
Malaysians of other faiths are not obliged to refrain from observing the event. Other Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia have also banned Muslims from celebrating Valentine's Day.