Violence Against Women Is A World Problem

Violence Against Women Is A World Problem

Violence Against Women Is A World Problem

A report from the World Health Organization says that violence against women is rising and it affects more than a third of all women globally.

The study says that the epidemic levels of violence span across age, education or income affecting all women in every part of the globe.

The study that was released this week in Geneva states that one in three women will be subjected to violence, be it physical or sexual by a family member or a friend.

The same report says that 38 percent of all women murders were committed either by a husband or a friend.

Claudia Garcia-Moreno, a specialist from the World Health Organization said that most women who have had part of abuse are more probable to suffer from depression or abuse alcohol and other addictive substances. Abused women were also far more likely to have at least one abortion, 150 percent more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease and in some cases may have underdeveloped babies.

This is the first study to track violence against women in such an encompassing manor as it was conducted in 81 countries. Results of the study also showed that South Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean were the worst affected regions of violence against women.

Posted by on Friday June 21 2013, 6:44 AM EDT. Ref: VoA. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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