When It Comes to Menopause, Hormones Rule!

Before I started Menopause, my Hormones were a part of my anatomy and physiology that I never really gave a great deal of thought to. Since Menopause hit me I now wish that I could harness the balance that they used to maintain in my body. Once our Hormones, male and female, go haywire, basically so do we.

If objectively everything in your life is going well, yet you are always in bad mood, having a bad hair day, feel like screaming or have constant road rage even when your not driving, then it’s more than likely its your Hormones that are making you feel that way.
Hormones are also very underrated as an influence on our mental health. This is especially true when is comes to Menopause. As hard as it is to admit, especially to those who want to believe that they can be in total control of their lives, Hormones rule women and this is never more obvious than at Menopause.

Menopausal women can be difficult and are often in denial. They frequently tell themselves and everyone else that they haven’t reached Menopause yet! Even when they admit to themselves that they have reached Menopause, they tell themselves and everybody else that they’re not suffering from any Symptoms. Unfortunately no matter how hard women try to deny it, in actual fact it is medically impossible for a women not to have her hormones behave erratically when she starts Menopause. It is medically impossible not to have Menopause effect you in some way.

For those who are unaware just exactly what happens and why our hormones have such a profound affect on every aspect of our lives then, not only for yourself, but also for everyone else in your life, keep reading.
When a woman begins Menopause, the production of our hormones begins to change. This is the first indicator and the most important, because once this process begins, an irrevocable change has started.

The ‘Big Three’ important hormones in this process are Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone. Before Menopause these Hormones are usually kept at the right levels and in balance with each other. After Menopause each of these hormones will individually spike and drop dramatically causing chaos.
Remember those toys that are held together with string and when you press a button they collapse? And when you let go the button they reform? Well that’s exactly what happens to us when our hormones run amok. Where constantly collapsing and struggling to get ourselves together again.

The problem only escalates when a woman is totally unaware that it is her Hormones that are creating the problems - the anxiety, uncontrollable outbursts, sadness, lack of self-worth, mood swings, depression, heart palpitations and high stress levels to name a few.
Imagine if, without any warning at all, someone that you love and know suddenly begins to constantly look and sound like some monster out of horror movie. Imagine that this crazy behaviour is escalating year after year. Yes, hormones can do that when they are not in balance, and let me tell you, from personal experience when a women starts Menopause her hormones rule. It feels as if our bodies have been invaded by aliens – non-friendly ones at that.

Hormones give no warning signals. They are a law unto themselves. Unfortunately they also rule our lives.
The only way to combat this aspect of Menopause is to understand and be aware of our Hormones. Knowledge is power over our rampaging Hormones and when our Hormones do become totally dysfunctional then we can at least understand why a meltdown is occurring. We may not be able to stop the craziness happening, but knowing why, goes a long way to easing the situation. At the very least you can tell yourself “It’s the Hormones. I’m not going mad.”

There are also many things that a Menopausal woman can do to help alleviate the Hormonal swings and the team at MRCW can help with this.

Posted by on Thursday February 12 2015, 9:47 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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