Where To Do Your Holiday Shopping In New York

Where To Do Your Holiday Shopping In New York

Where To Do Your Holiday Shopping In New York

New York City is one of the world’s biggest tourist destinations with millions of visitors coming in year round to see its amazing architecture, rich history and unique events. New York City is never busier than during the holiday season when both foreigners as well as Americans come in to see classic celebrations like the lighting of the tree in Rockefeller Square or Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. They also come to do most of their holiday shopping as New York is one of the world capitals of fashion and commerce. If you’re considering a shopping trip to New York this holiday season then here are some good places to visit:

FAO Schwarz

If you want to buy your kid some amazing toy, be it a classic doll or the latest tech gadget you should definitely stop by Schwarz’s amazing shop. The Christmas decorations and lovely atmosphere are half of the fun of shopping here.

Murray’s Cheese

If you want to also pick up some fancy cheese for the holidays make sure you drop by Murray’s who has been importing some of the hardest to find and most delicious international specialties since 1940. You can also take advantage of the shop’s build-your-own-crate offer this Christmas.

Margaret O’Leary at NoLita

Margaret O’Leary is a San Francisco based designer that offers some of the most impressive cashmere and similar knitwear in the world. Make sure you check out her newly opened shop and stay warm in style this winter.

Posted by on Sunday November 30 2014, 5:31 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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