WikiLeaks reveal U.S.-German secret spy satellite program

Spy Satellite

WikiLeaks reveal U.S.-German secret spy satellite program

A secret spy satellite program is being undertaken by the United States and Germany, leaked diplomatic cables from WikiLeaks obtained by Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten revealed.

The project is said to be masquerading as a commercial satellite program because of its sensitive capabilities. The leaked information from the American embassy in Berlin also said that France protested the implementation of the HiROS spy satellite project to no avail.

The High Resolution Optical Satellite System is meant to deploy a network of satellites that are capable of capturing high-resolution images from the ground, the cables said. It is also said to be capable of getting a picture of an object as small as 50 centimeters or 1.5 feet in diameter.

Infrared, night-time imaging is another feature of the satellites, which can also transmit data to ground facilities much quicker than the fastest satellites out there.

The leaked cables, which covered the period from February 2009 to February 2010, said that contrary to public information that private companies will operate the program, it is actually "under the total control" of the German aerospace agency DLR and the German intelligence service BND.

But a DLR spokesman said that the HiROS system is "not a spy satellite nor a secret project." In an e-mail to AFP, Andreas Schuetz wrote that "the purpose of HiROS will be to transmit data for public services, for example for crisis management in natural catastrophes."

According to the cables, German officials did not like being "outmaneuvred by France" and dismissed Paris' opposition against the satellite program.

Posted by on Wednesday January 05 2011, 2:03 AM EDT. Ref: Inquirer. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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