Wrestling’s The Ultimate Warrior Dies This Tuesday

Wrestling’s The Ultimate Warrior Dies This Tuesday

Wrestling’s The Ultimate Warrior Dies This Tuesday

The Ultimate Warrior, one of wrestling biggest superstars passed away this Tuesday just a couple of days after he was inducted in the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame. The former athlete apparently died of a heart attack as witnesses at the Arizona hotel he was staying in said he grabbed his chest before collapsing to the floor.

The Ultimate Warrior was named James Brian Hellwig. On the date of his death, he and his wife were heading to their car, parked outside a hotel in Scottsdale Arizona when the former wrestling superstar “clutched his chest” and dropped to the ground.

While no official report has yet been released, several sources close to the situation have said that the medical event that caused the death of the 54-year-old Hellwig was a “giant heart attack.” Police said there is no evidence that would suggest that drugs or alcohol were the cause of the tragic event.

James Brian Hellwig, who legally changed his name to Warrior in 1993 was inducted in the wrestling hall of fame this weekend after speaking on Monday Night Raw in preparation for the upcoming WrestleMania.

The Ultimate Warrior first entered wrestling in 1987 becoming one of the most iconic figures of the sport due to his amazing presence and trademark face paint. He retired in 1998 but had one more appearance on Monday Night Raw in 2008 when he put on his mask for a last time.

Posted by on Thursday April 10 2014, 4:22 AM EDT. Ref: nj. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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