“X Factor” Judges Out of the Loop

“X Factor” Judges Out of the Loop

“X Factor” Judges Out of the Loop

Steve Jones, “X Factor” host broadcasted on the networking site Twitter on Monday afternoon that he was resigning as host from the singing competition after the show's introductory season. Immediately after this announcement made by Jones, there was also a confirmation that judge Nicole Scherzinger is also gone.

But Steve Jones and Nicole Scherzinger, allegedly, aren't the only two who would be chipped off from the block. Insiders announced that judge Paula Abdul is also not being asked to come back for the show’s second season in spite of her long history with former "American Idol" co-judge and "X Factor" executive producer Simon Cowell.

Right now, as being confirmed by insiders, the only ones staying for the second season are Simon Cowell and judge L.A. Reid.

Paula Abdul still remained quiet amidst these issues and has not yet released a statement.

It was not surprising that Nicole Scherzinger is out though. Right after the conclusion of the first season, she announced at an "X Factor" press conference that she wasn’t prepared for the job and that she hadn’t anticipated what it would be like.

Rumors on her being out of the loop vary as to whether she quit or was fired.   Reports say that the former Pussycat Doll wants to focus on her career as a singer, while other reports say that she was let go.  In any case, it was confirmed that she is definitely out of the show.


Posted by on Wednesday February 01 2012, 4:39 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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