Xbox Live Gold Membership Required For Xbox One DVR Function

Xbox Live Gold Membership Required For Xbox One DVR Function

Xbox Live Gold Membership Required For Xbox One DVR Function

The Xbox Live Gold membership will be required for gamers to access the recording function on the Xbox One. Microsoft revealed that this function will be restricted to the same membership required to play online multiplayer games and stream Netflix.

The game DVR function is one of the features that will reportedly be offered by the upcoming game console of Microsoft. The advantages or disadvantages of this restriction will depend on the present status of the Xbox Live Gold membership of gamers. The restriction also added to the heat that the company is feeling from the added costs for some features that required users to pay additional fees to access.

The latest confirmation from Microsoft may compel potential buyers of the Xbox One to sign up for the Xbox Live Gold membership, which costs around $60 per year. Xbox Gold members have the privilege of accessing the new SmartMatch system of Microsoft and the OneGuide system for entertainment curation.

The decision comes after Sony revealed that users will have to sign up for the PlayStation Plus membership to access online multiplayer gaming through the Sony PlayStation 4. The annual membership of Sony is only $50. However, it remains to be seen if the PlayStation Plus membership will be required before users can access the DVR function of the console.

The Sony PlayStation 4 will reportedly allow users to record up to fifteen minutes of game play. In comparison, the Xbox One will limit users to five minutes of game play recording. This give the Sony game console an advantage over its Microsoft rival.

Microsoft has also remained silent on questions whether players can perform preemptive recording using the upcoming Xbox One or not.

Posted by on Friday August 09 2013, 3:08 AM EDT. Ref: CNET. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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