YouTube Co-Founder Sued By Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

YouTube Co-Founder Sued By Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

YouTube Co-Founder Sued By Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

The premature release of the footage from the recent engagement of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West without the consent of the couple resulted to a lawsuit filed against the co-founder of YouTube, Chad Hurley.

The singer asked tie reality television star to marry him through a complex proposal inside the AT&T Park baseball stadium in San Francisco recently. The video, which ran for two-and-a-half minutes, was uploaded by Hurley through the new video-sharing platform of the company, MixBit. It contained fifteen clops showing different highlights of the proposal.

The legal action launched by the couple against the co-founder of YouTube indicated that Hurley used the footage to promote MixBit. The couple also indicated that no invitation was given to Hurley to witness the proposal.

Documents showed that Kim Kardashian agreed to allow Hurley to stay. However, he was required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which was supposedly broken when the video was posted on MixBit. The lawsuit also indicated that a press release was sent by Hurley to inform media about the exclusive footage.

The lawsuit indicated that Hurley attempted to turn the occasion into an event where he was the star. It added that despite his knowledge that images were the exclusive property rights of another person, he proceeded to broadcast them.

The video clip of Hurley showed the proposal and celebration being filmed by other video cameras, which West contracted in case they plan to include the footage for the reality series of his fiancée.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are suing the YouTube co-founder for unspecified damages.

Posted by on Sunday November 03 2013, 3:04 AM EST. Ref: Toronto Sun. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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