Zero Dark Thirty Private Screening Held Ahead Of Nationwide Release

Zero Dark Thirty Private Screening Held Ahead Of Nationwide Release

Zero Dark Thirty Private Screening Held Ahead Of Nationwide Release

A private screening was held for the controversial movie, “Zero Dark Thirty”, in Washington D.C. recently.

Director Kathryn Bigelow welcomed the audience at the private screening at the Newseum prior to the start of the movie. Among the people who were welcomed by Bigelow were members of the Special Forces, the armed forces, intelligence professionals and the families of the victims of 9/11.

Zero Dark Thirty, which is set to open across the country on Friday, was the center of discussions at the capital due to the controversial content of the film.

The movie revolves around the decade-long hunt for Osama bin Laden. The depictions of torture on Zero Dark Thirty were criticized by Senators Dianne Feinstein and John McCain since it hints at an aggressive interrogation method used by the CIA.

Bigelow said that she and screenwriter Mark Boal were amazed at the discussions that resulted from Zero Dark Thirty. When a movie brings about thoughtful dialogue and discussions, filmmakers are flattered, humbled and to some extent intimidated.

She also clarified that there was no agenda in producing Zero Dark Thirty and they did not intend to create controversy. She and Mark only wanted to show the story in the way they understood it basing on the research done by Boal.

Bigelow also said that many people are familiar with the hunt for bin Laden and how it ended. However, only a small number of people were aware of the details of the manhunt. She indicated that the interpretation of Zero Dark Thirty will depend on the audience since every person will have their own personal experience.

An announcement by the Directors Guild of America revealed that Bigelow is a nominee for the “Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Feature Film” award. The winner is going to be publicized on February 2.

Boal and Bigelow recently received the best film and best director awards for Zero Dark Thirty from the New York Film Critics Circle Awards.

Posted by on Wednesday January 09 2013, 8:23 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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