Category archives for: Health

Juice Cleanses Aren’t All Their Cracked Up To Be

Juice Cleanses Aren’t All Their Cracked Up To Be

The juice cleanse trend that is extremely popular in the U.S. may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Of course, using various vegetable and fruit juices to help reestablish a proper way of eating may not be bad for you, that’s if you keep the diet up for just a couple of days. […]

Flu Vaccines And Tamiflu In Short Supply

Flu Vaccines And Tamiflu In Short Supply

With one of the most demanding flu seasons in decades the means to prevent infection seem to be in short supply as vaccine and Tamiflu are in short reserve. Seeing how this year’s particularly complicated strain arrived early, shortages may be a problem for the remainder of the flu season. Sanofi SA ,one of the […]

Cholesterol Drug From Merck Recalled

Cholesterol Drug From Merck Recalled

The cholesterol drug of Merck & Co is being recalled from international markets after research discovered that it does not prevent heart problems. The move raised concerns on the safety of the cholesterol drug that was not given approval in the United States although it is being sold in around forty countries. According to Merck, […]

“Holiday” Treatment, A Big Step Forward In Fighting Cancer

“Holiday” Treatment, A Big Step Forward In Fighting Cancer

The Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, the University of California together with The University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland have published a study on the online version of “Nature” magazine suggesting that tumors, specifically melanoma tumors reduce in size when given a break from their treatment, a “holiday”. The study shows through experiments carried out on […]

Flu Shots Advised By FDA for Children Due To Influenza Season

Flu Shots Advised By FDA for Children Due To Influenza Season

As the influenza season gets going in the US, the FDA together with the CDC has advised giving children a flu shot. William Rodriguez, MD, PhD, of the FDA said that in addition to the elderly, who are susceptible to influenza, it is advisable to have children get flu shots to protect them. Children who […]

Overpopulation May Not Be The Future’s Real Problem

Overpopulation May Not Be The Futures Real Problem

As the world celebrated many records in 2012, one of the most important ones, even though it didn’t get the news coverage of a certain apocalypse scare, was that the world population hit the 7 billion mark. As the world’s 7 billionth person was born, statistics say sometime in March, the planet is starting to […]

New Food Safety Rules Proposed By FDA

New Food Safety Rules Proposed By FDA

A new set of food safety rules that are meant to prevent food-related sickness was proposed by federal regulators recently. Under the new rules, deadly bacteria should be kept out of vegetable and fruit farms, and more stringent monitoring will be implemented. All aspects in the growth and harvest of produce will be covered in […]

Hillary Clinton Released From New York Hospital

Hillary Clinton Released From New York Hospital

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was discharged from a New York hospital this Wednesday. This comes just three days after a blood clot was found in her head. Clinton appeared to be making progress and her doctors advised her she would continue to make progress and make a full recovery. Hillary Clinton’s doctors have been […]

Study Shows Asparagus Helping In Dealing With A Hangover

Study Shows Asparagus Helping In Dealing With A Hangover

Aspirin, water, and rest are commonly recommended to deal with hangovers, but new research indicated that asparagus can also be considered in managing hangovers in the morning. A recent study revealed that asparagus extracts may contain minerals and amino acids that help in dealing with a hangover. In addition to handling hangovers, this flowering green […]

No Update On President George H W Bush’s Condition

No Update On President George H W Bush’s Condition

After spending the last month struggling with a bad case of bronchitis, former President George H W Bush’s condition may have taken a turn for the worse as he has been admitted to intensive care with “a stubborn fever” as a spokesman said. Spokesman Jim McGrath told the press “Early last week it was really […]

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